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Taiwan Animal Rights March

Animal Liberation

We welcome all those who are concerned about animal welfare to join us on the streets for one day, to speak for those without voices! Create history with us, write the next chapter in the story of Taiwanese animal rights.

Saturday October 6th, 2018, 1 PM at Nishi Honganji Temple by Ximending -- SEE YOU THERE!

Taiwan Animal Rights March

Make History With Us

On December 17th, 2017, we took to the streets for all the abandoned animals within and without shelters, for those exploited in the fur trade, for those tortured in experiments, for those imprisoned in marine entertainment, and the millions of animals suffering in the industrial animal agriculture business.

This year, let us once again be a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves. Let us show Taiwanese society that animal rights should be noticed. Hand in hand, let us make this island a safe haven for all animals.


We Are All the Same

​We all want to be treated with respect, kindness, and compassion. They are like us. They want to be with their family and loved ones, to live free and happy lives.

However, the way we have long treated our fellow animals has not been friendly or kind.

The tears, cries and and pleas for help from those still suffering on farms, industrial facilities, meat trade, laboratories, factory farms, fisheries, hunting grounds, circuses, zoological gardens, pet stores, shelters, marine centers, restaurants and every street, the dining table of every household, have long been ignored.


Animals in Fur Trade...

Although there are no fur farms in Taiwan, every year 2.5 million animals lose their lives due to demand Taiwanese demand for fur and leather related goods (coats, hats, accessories…)

Animals Used in Entertainment

Dolphins are extremely intelligent animals. In their natural habitats they can swim up to 70 kilometers a day! (The same distance as from Taipei to Hsinchu). However, when they live in aquatic entertainment centers they are confined to an indoor pool of less than 25 meters -- like a marathon runner confined to a single room in their house.


If You Don't Stand Up for Animals, Who Will?

Don't Miss It!

Tons of fun activities, created just for you!

13:30 Meet Up

Early Arrivals will have special responsibilities! 


13:30 Face Painting!

Our team of artists are providing FREE Face Painting!

Let our march be filled with energy and COLOR!


13:30~14:50 Warmup & Activities

  1. Complete the tasks and get special rewards!

  2. Volunteers Recruitment :D

  3. Limited souvenir for sale.

  4. Music music and music!

  5. Other fun group activities!


14:50 The Creature is Revealed!

There is a surprise.  It will be surprising.


15:00 Pre-March Prep

  1. Split into groups & practice chants

  2. Fighting Championship!

  3. Set Out!


16:20 Post March Party!

  1. Giveaways!

  2. Food! Limited Quantities!


16:30 Super Exciting Activities!

  1. Invited Speakers!

  2. Music!

  3. Share Your Thoughts!


18:00 Finish!

Value every interaction.

We are grateful to have you with us :)


Charity Sale


Under Construction: Announcements Soon -- Stay Tuned!

​"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."

Mahatma Gandhi


Don't Miss Out!

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